Bryn Athyn College Alumni Magazine Spring/Summer 2017 | Page 32

FACULTY running SPOTLIGHT header From expanding academic offerings to creating the student employment program, Allen's work has benefited many areas of the College. of a psychology major, business in order to serve others. He is ob- he can to help Bryn Athyn College major, early childhood education viously academically inclined, but to be the best it can be.” and special education major, an sees academic learning as a tool Allen asserts that he can’t associate in arts program in build- for bigger things.” help but get closely involved in his ing arts, and a pre-nursing pro- Throughout his career, Allen job because he is naturally very cu- gram. Most recently, he led the ef- has been inspired by True Christi- rious and he loves operations and fort to establish a dual enrollment anity 422, which says, “Goodwill problem solving, but mostly be- program which will allow ANCSS itself is acting justly and faithfully cause he believes that Bryn Athyn seniors to complete two BAC in our position and our work and College is a special place. He says, courses during the academic year. with the people with whom we in- “Bryn Athyn College is the only in- Another of Allen’s recent contribu- teract.” As one of Allen’s favorite stitution in the world with a mis- tions to the College has been his concepts from New Church theol- sion to advance a New Church invaluable support of the admis- ogy, its essence is woven through perspective in higher education. sions office, helping to develop a everything he does. Coworkers We are uniquely positioned to not measurement-based enrollment agree that whatever Allen is work- only make a meaningful impact plan and reinvigorating the search ing on, he approaches it with care, on our students, but to positively and fulfillment process for stu- thoroughness, and personal en- influence the world of higher ed.” dent recruitment. Roberta Nolan, ergy. Dean of faculty, Wendy Clos- To hear Allen talk about the Ed.D., dean of admissions and terman, Ph.D. (BA '91), concurs: “I value of the College is incredibly enrollment management, sums it think that anyone who works with inspiring. The energy in the room up nicely when she says, “Allen is Allen is struck by his tremendous is palpable when he talks about a renaissance man, masterful in energy and passion. He is abso- how faith and learning can, in fact, whatever area he tackles.” lutely dedicated to Bryn Athyn go together — that there need not Roberta enjoys being able to College.  He wants our students be a barrier between reason and laugh with Allen while they work to have an outstanding college faith. He explains that Bryn Athyn together. She says, “Allen has a experience, and for Bryn Athyn to College encourages and supports great sense of humor, but even embody its religious mission. In curiosity, removing boundaries to better is that he appreciates mine!” working with Allen in admin over integrate a more holistic personal She describes with amazement the last few years, I have seen again and human development. Al- how Allen epitomizes Bryn Athyn and again how he works to address len says, “The Lord is the teacher. College: “Allen is a living, breath- problems and improve operations What that means to me is that ing example of our mission. Every- by seeking to understand in detail I’m a facilitator.” And so he has thing he does is informed by core the situation on the ground as worked to provide a platform for spiritual principles and a commit- well as the best practices in higher students from which they can en- ment to developing one’s inner life ed. He works tirelessly to do what counter the subject matter and 32 | S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 1 7