Bryn Athyn College Alumni Magazine Spring/Summer 2017 | Page 20

running LIFE CAMPUS header Left: Peer Advisory Council (PAC) member Zabrinnah Ayers and resident assistant Maia Wyncoll welcome new students during move-in day. Above: Students cross the lawn from the suites to Childs Hall. mentors. Each student wrote a per- sonal invitation to a professor they appreciated, inviting them to an outdoor barbecue. The event was a hit! Jenny said, “Everyone had a great time. Seeing all the teach- ers there enjoying time with stu- dents – it was just one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.” In addition to the joys of residence life, just like in all good relationships, challenges arise. Ac- cording to Jenny, these challenges offer potent learning opportuni- ties. To new students moving onto campus for the first time, Jenny often asks, “How do you picture your experience in residence life?” Most students think it will be fun and a great place to meet friends. While certainly true, Jenny gives the students a dose of practicality: “There’s no way you can be here nine months and not have a chal- lenge.” But not to worry! She adds, 20 | S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 1 6 “Just because you’re being chal- lenged, doesn’t mean your experi- ence is bad. As staff, we are here to support you through whatever you need – roommate troubles, confu- sion about rules and guidelines, or just to offer a listening ear.” She says, “We want students to know that they can always ask for help.” In order to create a positive relationship with students, Jenny and her staff do Monday night res- idence hall “walk-throughs.” Jenny explained, “Often we’ll strike up a conversation, and even through small talk, we begin to build a re- lationship. That way, when things are challenging, the avenues of communication are already open. If they’re having a bad day or an emergency, they know that we’re there for them, and they are more likely to reach out to us.” For Bryn Athyn College, gathering a team of residence life workers who are committed to the students is paramount. Jenny said, “Whenever we hire residence life managers, we look for people who are in it for the students. We want people who care about connect- ing and fostering a community that helps students grow. Our cur- rent managers exemplify this ap- proach. They are willing to go the extra mile for a student, but will also model good behavior and set good boundaries for themselves and for the students.” Residence hall manager El- wyn “Bri” Kern (BS ’07) said, “I feel very lucky to be here. I have always loved working with people and helping them learn to navi- gate life and relationships, which I get to do in a very direct way in this position. It’s exciting working with college students because it has the potential to impact the rest of their lives in remarkable ways,