Bryn Athyn College Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2017-18 | Page 25

running header departments and creating more efficient processes and work envi- ronments in her area. With such a successful work history and a pleasant and thriv- ing career at Widener, Roberta was not necessarily looking for something new. When the oppor- tunity at Bryn Athyn College came to her via LinkedIn, a professional networking site, she began to look into the College and learn more about it. As she researched, she asked herself, “Why would I leave Widener and go to BAC?” Roberta says she found the answer on our website. She remembers these words: “It’s not about you; it’s about what you can bring.” She loved the call to “make an impact, identify your passions, and make a difference.” There was some- thing in the College’s mission and statements of intent that rang true for her and struck a chord with her own educational and life experience. The inspiration Roberta felt from the College’s website was enough to get her on campus for an interview, and once she was on site, she describes feeling a sense of peace about the place, so that dur- ing the interview she felt relaxed and like she fit here. She says, “I could sense the sincerity and kindness of the people I was meet- ing and I wanted to be in this type of environment.” As the hours passed, she felt more and more that she could really be fulfilled at BAC and enact her passion to help others on their educational jour- ney. Roberta says, “I was confident that as director of admissions I could sincerely communicate that this is a good product, and that I am proud of it. That, among other things, made working here a great match.” When asked what has sur- prised her about the College since working here for almost two years, her answer was, “Not a lot—be- cause of the consistency. There is a constant kindness, joy, and peace on campus that is authentic and you can feel it from the first mo- ment. You know what you’re get- ting from the start, and it doesn’t waiver.” Roberta’s understand- ing of these intangibles and the support of the College mission make her a wonderful leader for admissions and enrollment man- agement. Having attended and worked at faith-based schools, the concept of religion and spiritual- ity as core elements to education is familiar. She says, “I like the strong commitment to mission, and I admire that it hasn’t been abandoned.” Roberta attends cha- pel every week and describes it as “a coffee break for your soul.” She says, “It’s settling, and a wonder- ful meditation for your day.” Go- ing to chapel is just one of the things she does to stay connected with the mission, her colleagues, and the student body. Roberta makes every effort to be present and participate in campus activities and events. She has also created the LIONS team, which stands for “Linking In On New Students.” It origi- nally served as a forum for rep- resentatives across campus to bridge gaps, solve problems, and drive progress for improving the new student experience, but has quickly evolved to include the needs and goals for the continu- ing students’ experience. Having formed similar groups in her past institutions, Roberta correctly as- sessed the need for this at BAC and promptly got to work on it within her first year here. Roberta with her family. Education is important to Roberta and her family. Daughter Colleen Nolan Murphy: Bachelor’s from LaSalle; Master in education from University of Pennsylvania; D.Ed. from University of Virginia. Licensed psychologist at Woods Services. Colleen's husband Joseph Murphy: Ph.D. in physiology from University of Virginia; J.D. George Washington University. Works as an attorney specializing in intellectual properties. Son Francis X., Jr.: Bachelor’s in communication from LaSalle University; Bachelor’s in architecture from Drexel. Licensed architect, specializing in skyscrapers. Works in New York City. His wife, Elissa: Bachelor’s in communications from LaSalle University; Master’s from University of Pennsylvania; Public relations with Blue Cross. Son Sean: Bachelor’s in electrical engineering from MIT; Master’s from Johns Hopkins University. Works for the CIA. Daughter Bridget: Bachelor’s in psychology from Princeton University; Master’s in education and in sociology from University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D. in sociology from University of Pennsylvania. Taught at University of Pennsylvania, Bryn Mawr College. Currently doing post-doctoral work at University of Texas at El Paso at the National Security Studies Institute. B RY N AT H Y N A LU M N I M AG A Z I N E | 25