Brochures Salon Social Media Guide 2020 | Page 12

Instagram Do’s and Don’ts Do’s • Do allocate time to respond regularly to followers. • Do post relevant, helpful and insightful information. • Do be consistent in posting regularly to keep momentum and generate results. • Do get permission and credit any user generated images you post. Example: “Photo Credit: #PMTS Future Professional @johnsmith.” • Do monitor your posts to track likes and comments. This will help you determine what type of content performs best on your channel. • Do utilize a handful of niche, relevant hashtags. — This will help boost overall visibility. — By using the official JPMS™ branded hashtags (refer to the JPMS Hashtag Strategy 2020 guide), it allows the company’s Instagram accounts to see your posts and potentially repost them if they like what they see! • — Examples: #PaulMitchell, #TampaHairStylist, #JPMSProud Dont’s • Don’t use Instagram to only push ads or brand messaging. Limit yourself to the occasional discount offer, etc. • Don’t be boring! • Don’t post photos with copyright stamps. • Don’t repost a photo without checking the owner’s profile first. Make sure the profile doesn’t contain inappropriate photos. Social Media Best Practices Guide | Instagram 12