Broadcast Beat Magazine 2017 BroadcastAsia Special Edition | Page 58

In the face of these challenges, it’s demands with a single integrated ogy, Sinclair recently signed a platform. ten-year agreement to transform time for the industry as a whole to the content creation and distribu- rethink traditional commercial and As the largest television station tion workflows in every one of technology deployment models, operator in the United States, its 64 local news-producing sta- and consider new approaches that Sinclair Broadcast Group has 64 tions by standardizing on the Avid enable broadcasters to keep their local news producing stations, pro- MediaCentral Platform. In addition infrastructure up to date, create ducing 2100 hours of news every to delivering technology solutions open but tightly integrated work- week. These stations use a mix of with third-party and custom work- flows, and respond to new busi- disparate news production equip- flow integrations, the managed ness opportunities. ment from different vendors, with services deployment agreement different versions of hardware and also encompasses project and How to win in today’s environ- software. This makes it very chal- fleet management, commissioning, ment lenging to manage technology workflow consulting, training and upgrades, keep more than 2000 support. An organization’s ability to suc- employees trained and up-to-date, ceed in this challenging environ- and onboard new hires effectively. Enterprise-wide, long-term, “plat- ment depends upon how aggres- In short, it creates a technology form” thinking sively it can adapt to the new environment that’s complicated realities of its business. Media and expensive to sustain. organizations need solutions that With a “platform” approach to enterprise-wide technology will allow them to efficiently and To help overcome these chal- deployments combined with lon- easily respond to a broad range of lenges and keep its news opera- ger-term business models, Sinclair content creation and distribution tions at the forefront of technol- can increase the value and ben- 58 • Broadcast Beat Magazine •