Bring OCSA to You October 2017 | Page 8

COMMUNITY PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITY MENU O NE- H OUR (+) P ERFORMANCE P ERFORMANCE G ROUP N UMBER OF S TUDENTS M INIMUM S UGGESTED T ECHNICAL R EQUIREMENTS M INIMUM H ONORARIUM B ALLROOM S TARS 5-12 15’ x 20’ stage/dance floor Sound system for audio playback $800 C HAMBER G ROUPS, 2-5 10’ x 10’ area (approximate) Chairs without arms $1,000 G UITAR S OLOIST 1 Sound equipment ($25 fee if unavailable) $125 G UITAR D UO 2 Sound equipment ($25 fee if unavailable) $175 G UITAR T RIO / E NSEMBLE 3+ Sound equipment ($25 fee if unavailable) $225 L AS E STRELLAS 4-15 15’ x 20’ stage/dance floor Sound system for audio playback $800 MONTAGE! 1-50 28’ x 28’ stage/dance floor Sound system for audio playback and wireless hand held microphones as needed to accommodate the performance request Please contact Cindy Peca at 714.560.0900 ext. 6810 to customize a set list specific to your event and to determine pricing P IANO 1-3 Tuned piano(s) $200 U NPLUGGED H OLIDAY C AROLERS 4-8 Repeatable material No technical requirements $300 1st hour (or portion of) + $200 2nd hour + $150 each add. hour INCLUDING STRINGS, WIND, AND JAZZ