BREWED October 2014 | Page 19

The Dangers of Gaming By Chantal van den Hoogen Attention all gamers! You could die while gaming and this time you won’t respawn! There have been cases in which gaming has taken the lives of people offline. These are extremely rare cases though, but still, there are several dangers to your health that can come from intensive gaming. 1) Nintendinitis, Wiiitis and X-boxitis These amusing terms are better known in the medical field as Tendinosis, which are basically tendon injuries. 3) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is just a fancy word for swollen or irritated wrists. Nevertheless, it should be taken seriously, because it’s a painful progressive me dical condition that could require surgery to treat it 2) The Tetris Effect The Tetris effect is a phenomenon that occurs after playing a game for too long. Players start seeing game content all around them in real life! In the case of Tetris, gamers start seeing blocks falling down everywhere. 17 Interior_Brewed_Oktober2014.indd 17 22-10-14 12:08