BREWED February 2015 | Page 38

PROFESSION Even though we do not always feel like it’s simple, life has become a lot easier throughout the years. Do you think your grandma was woken up by her phone-alarm, grabbed a coffee out of the machine and then took a train to school? 20th CENTURY Did the Brewed Beard-contest participants miss the invention of the electric razor within a century in which radio, TV and internet were invented as well? Shaving became custom with soldiers, who had to shave daily so their gasmasks could fit properly. NOWADAYS The use of electronic devices invented in the 20th Century, has been taken to a much higher level. Automobiles contain complete warn-the-driversystems and with a single phone you have access to an almost unlimited number of possibilities. Does anyone have a grandma that has managed to keep up with the inventions of the last decades? 36 38 19th CENTURY The mind-blowing invention of electrical telegraphing made it possible to send messages by cable. Imagine sending your assignments by pigeon-post for years and now being able to deliver it via long distance transmission. No more pigeon holes!