BREWED February 2015 | Page 36

Housemate perfection – the battle of the sexes The housing situation in Breda may not always be rainbows and butterflies, but the joy of living on your own is definitely worth the hustle. The tricky part comes when you have to share your personal space with complete strangers. It might get even trickier if you’re the only representative of your sex in the house. Thought, some things are universal whether you’re from Mars or Venus, others may result into a gender clash. After shamelessly embracing certain stereotypes, I have found the most common peaks and tweaks about living with the opposite sex A guy living with girls YAY: NAY: ‟ The girls might not cook as good as your mom, but they occasionally spoil you with their special dish. ‟ At certain point the shower drain starts looking like a self-sustaining eco system. ‟ A secret stash of chocolate is hidden in the house for times in need. ‟ Though, you’ve all agreed to maintain the place spotless, the agreement is forgotten every time the girls are tired, busy or have exams. ‟ You’ve never felt so manly after opening a jar. That’s how being a true Alfa feels. ‟ Even the slightest need of contacting a relationship advisor vanishes. ‟ And if you’re single your housmates become the perfect wingmen. You can sit back and relax while they pick the perfect girl for you 36 ‟ Occasional laundry overload days result in drying clothes hanging around the whole house. ‟ Hair pins somehow find their way to the most random places. Inside your toolbox, for example.