BREWED February 2015 | Page 35

REFLECT ON SELF FLES NO TCELFER Going to college is an awesome experience, some even say it’s the best time of their life. You’ll meet awesome people, do amazing stuff and have lots of fun. Most of all, you’ll learn a lot, both from what’s in your books and by what you experience in real life. “If I only knew back then what I know now” is something I think to myself way too often, like when I was freaking out about the one course everyone dreads; financial management. While in fact, financial management is not the end of the world. Research might be, on the other hand. Or that one time, when I assumed I could actually ‘relax’ during my christmas break. Oh boy, was I wrong. I guess we all have those thoughts sometime, maybe you once casually thought you could go out just for a little while, so you would still be able to go to that 9 A.M. lecture the next morning. � ‘‘If I only knew back then what I know now’’