Breakthrough Spring 2017 | Page 28

how science park resources can support growth and foster collaboration

Supporting start-ups

how science park resources can support growth and foster collaboration

Andrew Wells sAles And MArKeTinG MAnAGer , lAser QUAnTUM
andrew is responsible for global sales and ensuring distribution partners have advanced training and relevant information to support the global customer base

science parks and innovation hubs provide the perfect springboard for new science and research companies , offering numerous benefits to start-up companies – specifically networking and collaboration opportunities .

The availability of services and resources to entrepreneurs makes all the difference . These sites are a cauldron of cutting-edge research , innovative designs and ideas . As a new company with a great design , product or technology , the challenge is to successfully balance the needs of developing a saleable product , generating the market interest and sales with managing cash resources . Doing this in an environment such as a science park , where there are many companies going through the same process but at differing stages of their development , offers a huge base of support and experience . Laser Quantum was in this situation over 20 years ago , when it was founded by three PhD physicists from the University of Manchester . With new technology that would change the way lasers were used , they needed to translate their innovation into a commercial concept , developing their technology into a product that satisfied a growing need for robust light sources in the science , research and entertainment market .
start-up phase The three scientists found their first home in a single office on the Manchester Science Park , where they had some lab space and a small area for administration . They used the facilities of the park to help with business activities that were not associated with the science in which they were experts . Support for financial planning , purchasing , marketing , sales generation and design of literature were made available through the science park ' s central resources . Active use of these services allowed them to focus on their area of expertise and rely on external support of the park .
growth phase As the company grew , it employed staff who brought some of these functions in-house . With a finished product , the company could generate the revenue to enable them to grow further . The Manchester Science Park assisted in this respect through its association with other parks around the country and internationally . Using these links Laser Quantum found a number of small
28 | UKspA breAKThroUGh | sprinG 2017