Breakthrough Issue 2 SPA02 | Page 32

SUPPORT How intellectual How IP can support funding in life science innovation I Isobel Finnie UK and european Patent Attorney AT Haseltine Lake LLP Isobel Finnie specialises in patents in life science technologies, specifically in the biotechnology and biochemistry fields 3 2 | U K S PA b r e ak t h r o u g h | S u m m e r 2 0 17 sobel Finnie, UK and European patent attorney specialising in Chemistry and Life Sciences, discusses how innovators can use Intellectual Property to help secure valuable investment and funding… Investment is essential for the research and development needed to progress novel technology from the lab to market. This is particularly true in the biotech, life sciences, and healthcare sectors, where rigorous experimentation and clinical trials are demanded. Confidence in securing a decent return on that investment can only exist if there is a promise of exclusivity in the marketplace, enabling a profit to be made – and this is where Intellectual Property comes in. IP, in particular patents, is the tool by which exclusivity can be achieved for scientific or technical innovation. T h o u g h t f u l att e n t i o n c r e at e s v a l u a b l e pat e n t   p o r t f o l i o s • Securing protection for the ultimate commercial product. Since it can take many years for a lead drug candidate to be identified and optimised, or a diagnostic test to be validated, and since this is unlikely to be known at an early stage when patents are first filed, the patenting strategy needs mechanisms to keep options open for the duration of the drug development programme. • Creating a protected space around the ultimate commercial product to try