Breakthrough Issue 2 SPA02 | Page 31


11.7m working days lost in 2015 / 16 as a result of work related stress , depression , or anxiety


Design for active and healthy living
WELL encourages us to think about ways in which we can make provision for activity opportunities . Carefully siting a building in a way that encourages daily physical activity and healthy eating practices can help . A wellness trail that moves though interior and exterior public spaces around the building will both encourage activity and increase interaction with nature and vegetation .
This can be paired with healthy living education programs . HOK is working to develop programs that encourage people to take wellness trail walks during their lunch hours , and we are working with several clients to create healthy eating programmes , including demonstration kitchens for cooking classes , multipurpose public spaces that are farmer ’ s market ready , and on-site vegetable gardens .


Ventilation strategies
Ventilation distribution systems are a cornerstone consideration in creating a successful lab , impacting on a safe , healthy , and comfortable indoor environment , and so should always be challenged . HOK has a long history in researching and implementing alternative systems – of these , active chilled beams and chilled sails may be a particularly beneficial strategy for laboratory buildings . Active chilled beams can provide significant energy savings over conventional mixing systems , while improving controllability and occupant comfort . Chilled beams are used in spaces such as laboratories where high ventilation rates are required , whereas chilled sails can be used in spaces with limited ventilation demand .


Healthy Materials
Standards and regulations have begun to address toxicity in some interior products . We need to design and specify with care . HOK is an industry leader in design with healthy materials in labs , with long-term relationships with research groups such as the Center for the Built Environment at University of California , Berkeley , Healthy Building Network , BuildingGreen , and the Health Product Declaration Collaborative . Visit hok . com for information , or email new business enquiries to Riccardo Mascia at riccardo . mascia @ hok . com ■
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Read online at : ukspa . org . uk / breakthrough Summer 2017 | UKSPA BREAKTHROUGH | 31