Breaking New Ground—Stories from Defence Construction Breaking_new_ground | Page 99

Did You Know ? DCC ’ s focus on performance measurement and the inclusion of key performance indicators in the Annual Report contributed to winning the Auditor General ’ s Award for Excellence in Annual Reporting by Crown Corporations for 1993 – 94 . design and tendering stages of the project , and then continued the process with the general contractor and his team of subcontractors . The end result was the avoidance of many of the misunderstandings and problems that can show up during the construction phase .”
Program review The early to mid-1990s was a very challenging period for federal government managers and employees as a result of the focus on reductions , reorganizations and rationalizations , most of which was driven by fiscal policy and budget management issues . DCC looked to expand the support services it could offer to the Department and started recovering the cost of these “ non-traditional ” services . As PWGSC came under pressure to increase efficiency , at certain locations the potential overlap of the DCC and PWGSC mandates contributed to challenges at the working levels .
At the same time , a major review of how real property assets were managed within DND was initiated . This “ Infrastructure and Environment Renewal ” ( IER ) exercise included representatives from all branches and levels of the CF / DND and DCC . Since the CE and Military Engineer institutions were at risk , passionate positions were taken as every structure , role , authority and process was questioned . The IER Steering Committee decided that the Department wanted “ optionality ” in its project delivery processes — that is , the ability to decide who would carry out the various project activities where possible : in-house departmental resources , other governmental organizations such as DCC or PWGSC , or the private sector .
In reality , there were not many options available to DND due to statutory mandates and delegated authorities , but DCC decided not to be defensive