Breaking New Ground—Stories from Defence Construction Breaking_new_ground | Page 139

its Client-Partner’s needs and those of the construction industry has often been a fine line along which to walk—but as countless government reviews and audits have shown, Defence Construction Canada has achieved this balance throughout its existence. In the 1950s, Canada was building up its defence infrastructure, including our traditional bases and stations. DCC was involved throughout the nation and beyond, drawing on the strong connections that staff at every level had with the construction industry. Today, as Defence Construction Canada once again responds to the government’s needs to rebuild its military infrastructure and respond to new and evolving threats, it is again turning to the construction industry to provide the best possible solutions. At the beginning of Defence Construction Canada’s history, the organization was marked by the bond its people had—the strong sense of purpose and contribution to the country’s well-being. This sense of purpose and of family still rings true today, as we move forward. Perhaps the last word in this story of Defence Construction Canada could go to former President Joe Bland, writing to another President, Lorne Atchison, on the occasion of the Corporation’s 40th anniversary. It illustrates well the culture that still drives us today and will take us into the future: I have always felt that DCL’ers, taken together, considered themselves the equals of anyone in the business; maybe even the best. That’s good because you know you can’t rest on your laurels… you have to keep working at it. That’s the sense I had of it. I hope I was right and I hope I still am. BREAKING NEW GROUND DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION CANADA 129