Breaking New Ground—Stories from Defence Construction Breaking_new_ground | Page 104

Camp Maple Leaf at Zgon, Bosnia- Herzegovina, shown in 2002, was one of three main bases for the Canadian contin- gent of the NATO peacekeeping mission. The Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) was established on April 1, 1996, to place all PMQs under a single “landlord,” implement new cost management systems and develop a business plan that would make the PMQs self sustaining—that is, funded solely on the rental income received from occupants. This remains a challenge since the original planning did not take into account the required capital investment. DCC positioned itself to assist CFHA through the use of DCC’s contract and project management expertise to support the Agency’s operations. Going further—evolving new services DCC continued to offer additional services to DND throughout the 1990s, including contract management support for CF contributions to the NATO peacekeeping mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Canada had decided to contract out the logistics and engineering functions to the private sector in order to take better advantage of uniformed members of the Forces for military operations. This included the accommodation and sustainment of military personnel: shelter, food, water and sanitation for five camps and three remote communication sites, plus communication, office space, material supply, transportation and maint