Brain Storm Issue III: The Road to Recovery | Page 10

- Light -

She was so used to being lonely;

Lost in her own thoughts;

a constant battle of

pick up the fork and eat, or

give in and find a way out of eating.

When she realized only she could

Help herself,

Was the day everything changed.

She was tired of being broken,

Now that she knew she could

feel alive again.

They say asking for help

Is the first step

In recovery.

She knew it was possible;

She could change.

She would find the light

Within herself again.


- Living -

She knew there would

Still be bad days.

Days when the thoughts

Would creep into her mind

And take over her body.

What she didn’t realize,

Was that she would have to

Live with this demon

Every day.

He would always be

Somewhere in her mind,

She just had to

Find a way to keep

Pushing him out.

She would learn

To choose recovery.

To choose living.

