Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 88

Brahmcharya 75
yours , because the consequences of illicit sex are very grave . And if you have renounced sex then you should never look towards anything sexual . It is inhuman to take what is not rightfully yours , to wish for what is not rightfully yours and to wish for sex that is not rightfully yours . Should there not be a line of demarcation between what is rightfully yours and what is not ? You should never cross that line . Still , people have crossed that line , have they not ? This is called beastliness . There is no problem in enjoying what is rightfully yours .
Questioner : Which tendency is that which drags one to enjoy sex which is not rightfully his or hers ?
Dadashri : The intent of deceit and theft .
By disregarding what is rightfully yours , if you engage in sex with another woman , you will have to take birth wherever that woman goes in her next life . If she goes to a lower life form , you too will have to go there with her . These days , this happens everywhere . Have you any idea where your next birth will be ?’ People who have enjoyed sex that is not rightfully theirs will have to suffer painful miseries . Even their daughters would become characterless . The rule is that the person with whom you have interacted sexually that was not rightfully yours will , in lives to come , become your mother or your daughter .
Even the Lord allows sex with your wife , not with anyone else . If He were to refuse even this then he would be guilty . He has said no to what is not rightfully yours . If repentance is done for all illicit sex , then also one can be freed . But these people are happily enjoying sex that is not rightfully theirs and that is why they bind a very strong knot of suffering of many lives .
Illicit sex is a violation of all the five major vows given by the Lord . In that , you commit himsa ( violence ), you tell lies and you are openly stealing . It is a day light robbery . Then ,