Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 79

66 Brahmcharya circumstances will be very wonderful. Questioner : What is the connection between fasting on Sunday and practicing brahmacharya? Dadashri : What is fasting on Sunday for? It is to oppose and confront sexuality. You do not want sexuality to come to you; therefore by confronting proactively you begin to become free from sexual impulses. I make him confront sex because he cannot let go of sex. These are all melons; these are all simmering melons of kaliyug. You cannot let go of anything, leave alone sexuality, and therefore you have to find some bold means do you not? Actually, this science is such that I should not have to tell you, ‘You do this and you do that’, but this era of the time cycle is such that I have to. These peoples’ ultimate outcome is uncertain. They may go on to the wrong path, after acquiring the Gnan, and that is why I have to say this. There are no problems when power of my words is present and working in them. Then they do not bear any responsibility of doer ship if they follow my words. When I say, ‘You do this’, then you are not responsible and my responsibility does not remain because I am the eternal non-doer. Now who would leave this unique state for which there are no words good enough for praise? Who would touch the refuse of the whole world when there is Gnan? The Gnani Purush sees all the vishayas, objects of enjoyment of the world, as refuse. What is the rule of this world? Any person who does not have any thoughts about wealth, does not have any thoughts of vishaya and who continuously stays detached from his body, the world will call him God. [18] Dada Gives Encouragement to Aptaputris The world does not know that all this is wrapped up and