Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 71

58 Brahmcharya
mistake there is involvement and engrossment , then pratikraman must be done .
Questioner : There is definitely a determined nischaya and the resultant objection against any element of sexuality , yet circumstances sometimes arise that causes one to become involved in it , what is that ?
Dadashri : You cannot get engrossed if there is opposition and if you do become engrossed then you have stumbled . And for that there is pratikraman .
You should use two kinds of visions . You already have the vision that , ' she is pure Soul '. The second vision should be used when an attraction arises . This second vision is the ' three vision '. If you do not use the ' three vision ' you will be deluded and pulled .
Attraction would not occur if one were to see the body as it is . But this is not possible for ordinary human beings . For me this is natural . I see everything as it is .
Questioner : I do not understand when you say you see the body as it is . Please explain .
Dadashri : It means that no matter what kind of clothes a man or a woman is wearing , the first vision is that of nakedness , the second vision is of that without skin , and the third vision is of all the internal organs and contents . Will there be any sexual attraction then ?
If you see a woman and you immediately take your eyes off of her , but your eyes keep going there , your eyes keep getting pulled there , then that is called a ‘ file ’. Therefore this is the only mistake you have to understand , in this day and age .
Questioner : Can you please clarify more as to how to purify this vision ?