Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 64

Brahmcharya 51
again . If you follow my five Agnas , not a single sexual impulse will ever arise .
If you want to practice brahmacharya then you need to be cautious . Once the semen energy starts rising , then its upward flow is automatic . So far this has not happened . Its nature is still one of discharge and draining down . It is only when the semen starts rising that everything raises . Then your speech would be wonderful ; the spiritual insights from within would also have blossomed at a higher level . Once the semen has progressed to a higher level then there would not be any problems but until then a lot of discipline must be maintained regarding intake of food . For the energy of the semen to rise higher do you not need to help it or would it progress by itself ?
If brahmacharya is preserved in this manner for a few years with the right control , then the semen energy rises . After that one will retain the spiritual essence of any of these scriptures and books . Otherwise it is not easy to retain this essence . You will forget as soon as you read something .
Questioner : Are the various practices of yoga like deep breathing , pranayama etc ., helpful in practicing brahmacharya ?
Dadashri : It can be helpful if it is done with the intention of practicing brahmacharya . The intention should be one for practicing brahmacharya . If your intention were to improve your health then it would improve your health . Therefore , it depends on your intent . But do not get involved in all this ; otherwise your Soul would be left behind .
When the vow of brahmacharya has been taken and something unusual happens , then one becomes uneasy and confused . One boy was uneasy so I asked him , ‘ Why are you so uneasy ?’ He told me that he was shy of telling me something and so I told him to write it on a piece of paper and give to me .