Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 62

Brahmcharya 49 Questioner : Why do wet dreams occur? Dadashri : If there is a tank of water, and the water starts dripping then would you not understand that there is an overflow occurring? Wet dream is an overflow. When a tank overflows, should you have a natural outlet? Therefore if you control what you eat, you would not have wet dreams. That is why these sadhus eat only once a day. They do not take anything else, such as tea. Questioner : In this the evening meal is important. We should decrease the evening meal. Dadashri : Yes. You do not need an evening meal at all. This maharaj here only has one meal per day. Even then there is no problem of loss of semen in the wet dream. The Lord has said this too. The force of the full tank will pop the cork below. Until brahmacharya takes hold, the semen will drain for sure. The rise of the semen begins with the vow of brahmacharya. Proceed with great caution. There is no problem if the semen discharges in a wet dream on its own four times in a month, but you must not discharge it intentionally with masturbation. That is a mistake. It is like committing suicide. This is all a result of eating odd things. Who would give the freedom for this type of discharge of wet dreams? That master says that there should not even be a discharge. Then what, should you jump in a well and kill yourself? Questioner : Is the discharge of semen part of the nature of the non-self (pudgal) or is it because there is some leakage of ours, somewhere? Dadashri : When you see someone sensually, certain part of the semen becomes ‘exhausted’.