Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 37

24 Brahmcharya attracted to him, but this did not affect the Lord. The gnan says that your actions should be with good intentions. Your dressing and conduct should be such that it does not attract the opposite sex. If your inner intents are pure then nothing can be harmed. Why did the Lord pluck all the hair on his head? He did that to avoid any sexual impulses arising in the minds of women who saw him. He had his hair removed so that they do not become a cause for ruining someone’s inner intent. As it is Lord Mahavir was very attractive. He had the most beautiful body in the whole world. Questioner : Does the attachment and illusionary my- ness over a woman have to leave before the sexual impulses towards her begin to dissipate? Dadashri : The sexual impulse has been there for countless lives, and you never know when it will rise again. Therefore, it is important to remain within the company of brahmacharis. If you go out of this company, because of the existing impulse, sexuality will start to sprout all over again. Therefore, you have to stay in the company of brahmacharis. The tendency to delve in sexual sweetness has not been completely eliminated; therefore it can start all over again when you mix with the wrong people. That is the nature of wrong company. Wrong company has no affect on the person whose tendency and inclinations of sexual nature has been eradicated or gone. Your attachment to the illusion of sex will disappear if you follow my agna. If you try to remove it yourself, it is so powerful that it will sabotage your effort and everything. Therefore, instead of fighting to remove it, you should say to it, "Sit down, I will honor you". Then, by remaining the Self, and focusing with this awareness on the attachment and the impulses, it will all dissipate