Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 31

18 Brahmcharya world. Only the one who is absolutely free from all impulses of sexuality has the energy and power of words that totally purges sexuality. Section Two The Decision To Remain Unmarried [1] What Understanding Can Free You From Sex? Questioner : I do not wish to get married at all, but my parents, friends and relatives are pressuring me to do so. So, should I get married or not? Dadashri : If you definitely do not wish to get married then, because of this Gnan that you have taken, you will fulfill your goal of human life. Everything is possible with the power of this Gnan. I will explain how to conduct yourself and with that understanding if you remain afloat then you will reach the shore of salvation. There is nothing greater than the mere thought of taking the vow of brahmacharya and the firm decision of remaining in it. Such a person has grasped the essence of all the scriptures. The person, who makes a firm decision of being free from all these entanglements of the world, has understood all the scriptures. The illusion of sex is such that it will sink all, even the one who thinks that he has no attachment to anything in the world. This illusion of sex has sunk great saints and masters from tremendous spiritual heights. Questioner : I have made the resolution to follow brahmachary. What can be done to strengthen this resolve? Dadashri: Keep repeating this resolve and your energy will increase by saying, 'O 'Dada Bhagwan', I am making my resolution stronger and firmer. Please grant me the energy to