Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 21

8 Brahmcharya about what this body is made of? The amount of love a hog has for a sow is greater than the amount of love a man has for his wife. Can you call this love? This is nothing but beastliness. True love is that which never increases or decreases. All this is nothing but infatuation. The sexual act gratification is nothing but eating garbage. It is refuse of the whole world. How can this be food for the Soul? The Self has no hunger, and no need for any external thing. It is absolutely independent. The whole world is engrossed in an illusionary enjoyment. It is not a real enjoyment. Yet people believe it to be so. If sexual pleasure was to be analyzed it would lead to severe nausea. This body turns into ash, and then a new body is formed from the atoms of this same ash. This is the result of ashes from endless lives of the past. It is nothing but refuse. And sex here is the refuse of all refuse. It is the same old ash and the same old atoms merging together. Even cooking utensils once washed, will look cleaner the next day. But what if you ate in the same utensils over and over without cleaning them? Is that not eating filth? Say if you ate some delicious pudding, how would it look if it were vomited? Would it look pleasing enough for you to hold it in your hand? Even if the bowl was nice and clean and the pudding was delicious when you ate it. But if it were vomited, no matter what happens, you would not eat that vomit. And yet this other vomited stuff is taken in again. But this kind of awareness is absent. This is the illusion. Amongst the objects of the five senses, that of the tongue is the only correct and acceptable one. All others fool you. This is the only acceptable indulgence, the one of the taste of food. What would a good quality alphonso mango taste like? Within