Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 16

Brahmcharya 3 brahmacharya. I do tell people to get married. I do not have any objection to people getting married. Those who desire the pleasures of worldly life and have a desire for material things, they should get married and those who do not like worldly pleasures and are seeking eternal happiness, should not get married. Questioner : Is it true that the married people attain real knowledge, atmagnan later than those who are not yet married ? Dadashri : If a married couple takes a vow of brahmacharya, they will understand the bliss of the Self completely. Otherwise, they cannot understand whether their happiness comes from sexual gratification or from the pure Soul. Those, who are under the vow of brahmacharya, experience eternal bliss of the Self within. Their mind and body both remain healthy. Questioner : Then, is the state of the Self the same for the one who is married and the one practicing brahmacharya? Dadashri : The person who is under the vow of brahmacharya will never fall, no matter how bad the difficulties. That is called safe side. Brahmacharya is the king of the body. A person practicing brahmacharya has a wonderful mind. Brahmacharya is the extract of the entire living body. Questioner : This extract of the body, the vitality, does not go to waste, does it? Dadashri : No. The vitality may dissipate. It does become useless in sex, does it not? That extract is a very different matter. Lord Mahavir had the extract of brahmacharya for forty- two years. Vitality is the ultimate extract of all the extracts from the food we eat. If this extract is properly preserved, one can