Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 116

Brahmcharya 103 Questioner : It is because of the vishaya that the kashayas have arisen, right? Dadashri : No. All vishayas are vishayas but kashayas arise due to ignorance of the Self during the unfolding of vishayas. If Gnan were present, it would not give rise to any kashaya. From where did the kashaya arise? All the kashayas arise from vishaya. But it is not the fault of vishaya. It is the fault of ignorance of the Self. This ignorance is the root cause of vishaya. [6] The Self Is Beyond Sex The nature of vishaya is different and the nature of the Self is different. The Self has never enjoyed any vishayas of the five senses. And yet people normally say that my soul, self, enjoyed the sex. Would the Self ever enjoy anything? That is why Lord Krishna has said, ‘The vishayas are delving into vishayas’. This is difficult for people to understand. They will simply say, ‘I am the enjoyer’. If they say what Lord Krishna says that, ‘ The sex is happening in sex, and the Self has nothing to do with it, it is very subtle’, they will abuse this knowledge and become even more indiscriminate in sexual matters. [7] The Science Of Attraction and Repulsion This has all arisen from attraction. The whole world exists due to small and large attractions. God has no role in this. It is only due to attraction. The interaction between a man and a woman is also attraction. The attraction between a man and a woman is just like the attraction between a needle and a magnet. One is not attracted to all the women. Only if parmanus (atoms) were similar then attraction would occur with that woman. After the attraction occurs if the man decides that he does not want to be attracted, he will still be pulled towards her. Questioner : Isn’t that an account of the past life?