Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 114

Brahmcharya 101 borrowed happiness. It was a loan to you. And a loan means that it has to be paid back. You will have no problems once it has been paid back. [4] The Enjoying Sex Is Not A Discharge There was a Maharaj, Jain teacher, who used to say a lot about sex in his spiritual talks but when the topic of greed came, he would not say a word. Some intelligent person wondered why he never talks about greed? He talks about every topic except money. He went to the Maharaj and without his knowledge he opened his small bundle. He saw that there was a gold coin in his book, so he took it and went away. When the Maharaj opened the bundle he discovered that the gold coin wasn’t there. He looked for the coin but he could not find it. Next day Maharaj started talking about greed in his discourse and that one must not be greedy. So if you are involved in sexuality, then it will start leaving you if you start talking about it, because you have started opposing sexuality in your mind. The mind’s vote on sex is different from yours. The mind realizes that you have become an adversary and so it’s vote will not carry any weight. But people do not say anything about sex because the deceit of sex, continuance in sex, exists within them. Also it is not easy to talk openly against sexuality. Questioner : Some people think that there is no importance of brahmacharya whatsoever in Akram Vignan. They say that everything in Akram including sexuality is only a discharge. Dadashri : This is not the meaning of Akram Vignan at all. Anyone who thinks like that has not understood ‘the path of Akram’ at all. If he has understood then I would not have the need to say anything about sex again. The path of Akram means that discharge is considered as discharge. But for these