Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 112

Brahmcharya 99 He sees, ‘This is a woman’. This is the disease of the man. If a man has this disease then he will see the woman, otherwise he will see only the Self in that person. To see, ‘This is a man’, is the disease of the woman. Moksha occurs when this disease is eradicated. I am free from this disease now. These thoughts never come to me. A man and a woman must never touch each other. Therein lies tremendous danger. Until one has become Absolute, one must not touch the other. One atom of sexuality entering you has the potential of ruining many lives. I do not have a single atom of sexuality within me. Pratikraman should be done immediately, if even one atom gets corrupted. Pratikraman prevents any sexual intent arising in the other person. Ignorance of the Self, coupled with the present worldly knowledge, gives rise to attachment and attraction. If you can visualize the entire life of this woman that you are attracted to, you will be free from the attachment and the attraction. If you visualize with understanding what she looked like in the womb, what she looked like when she was born, when she was a little baby, when she becomes very old, when paralysis occurs, when she is about to be cremated, you do not need to be taught renunciation. People have lost this vision of their worldly reality by what they see today. This is maya, the illusion. [3] Endless Claims From the Pleasure of Vishaya None of the objects of the four senses bother us and the fifth object, the object of touch, involves another living being. This person will lay a claim against you. Therefore the problem lies only in the sex involving a woman. This is called a living ‘file’. If you want to stop any further sexual interaction, she would say that it is not acceptable. She would say, ‘Then why did you marry me?’ Therefore, this living ‘file’ would make demands. How can you afford any demands? So you must not