Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 105

92 Brahmcharya be, then on that day the children would be sleeping in another room. These are the values of the parents. These days, the bedrooms are here and there. Plus they have double beds, do they not? In those days, no man would sleep in the same area where a woman was sleeping. There was a saying, in those days, that if a man sleeps whole night with a woman, he would become a woman. Her female nature would influence him. So no one did this. It is some smart person who discovered about sleeping together so that double beds keep selling. This has been the cause of the downfall of people. What has one gained from this downfall? All the contempt for the females has disappeared. Now it would not take long to make the ones who have gone down to go up. How can there be double beds in Hindustan? What types of animals are they? The men and women of Hindustan were never together in one room. They always stayed in separate rooms. But instead, look at it nowadays. Nowadays the father himself makes the bedroom with a double bed for his son. And so they take it for granted that this is the practice in the world. I have seen all this. If men left the company of women and stayed away from them for fifteen days, they would become like God. What is unaccompanied ‘shaiyasan’? [shaiyasan = shaiya (bed) + asan (seat) ] It means that you do not share your bed or your seat with anyone including the opposite sex. There is no physical contact between husband and wife. The writers of scriptures used to believe to the extent that if you sit on the same seat that an opposite sex was sitting, then you will be affected by him or her, you would have thoughts about them. Questioner : What form of karma is bound from sexual interaction and sexuality?