Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 103

90 Brahmcharya are naive. So the men have to keep sexual desire under control for two to four months. She will then get tired and she would not be able to control the man. When will a woman respect you and be deferential to you? If you were very sensitive about sex, easily aroused by sexuality, then she would control you. If you are sexual but not sensitive, not easily aroused, then she will develop respect for you. If she invites you for sex and you say not now, after two to three days, then she stays under your command. Otherwise you will be under her control. I understood this at the age of fifteen. Some people beg for sex. You fool, do you have to beg for sex? What would then happen to you if you do? What will the woman do? She will abuse you. She will boss you around, ‘Hold this child, and go take care of him’. Our mahatmas have sex but they do not have the craving for it. One woman makes her husband prostrate to her four times, before she will allow him to touch her once. You fool, why don’t you go jump in the ocean instead, what is wrong in doing that? Take samadhi, final peace, in the sea, at least the sea is straightforward; at least there is no hassle there. What kind of nonsense is this of prostrating for sex? Questioner : Before, I used to think that all these clashes and arguments in the home were due to matters and work of the household. But disputes occur even when I try to help her around the house. Dadashri : Those disputes and clashes will continue. As long as there is sexual interaction, clashes will continue. This is the root of all clashes. The person who has conquered sex, has such an aura about him that no one will bother him, no one can conquer him. When sexual interaction with Hiraba stopped, I started