Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) Brahmcharya: Celibacy With Understanding(Abr.) | Page 101

88 Brahmcharya These men start suspecting their wives if they come home a little late. Suspicions are not worth having. Nothing is going to happen outside of the karmic accounts. Try and make her understand when she comes home but do not be suspicious of her. Suspicions breed suspicion and invite disaster. Yes, you should warn her, but not suspect her. A suspicious person misses the opportunity to be free. Therefore, if you want to be free and attain liberation you should not be suspicious. If you see your wife in another man’s arms, does that mean you have to kill yourself? Questioner : No, why should I do that? Dadashri : Then what will you do? Questioner : First display some dramatic anger and then I would try and make her understand. After that, whatever happens is ‘vyavasthit’. Dadashri : Yes, that is correct. [6] Zero Sex : Zero Clashes Where do quarrels occur in this world? Only where there is infatuation and attraction. For how long the quarrels exist? As long as sexual interaction exists, quarrels exist. Then you start doing ‘mine-yours’, ‘Pick up your bag from here. Why have your kept saris in my bag?” etc. These quarrels exist as long as you are united in sex. And once you have become free from sex, there is no problem even if the things are kept in your bag. These quarrels would not take place then, would the