Bounce Back In Style 2nd Edition Edition | Page 74

new place, but start working on your plan right away. What is important to you (and your family, and God!) in finding a church? Don’t allow yourself to float aimlessly for months and years. Too many church floaters just float away. Leave deliberately. When it’s time to go, go—and then go become an integral part of another good, Bible-believing, Christ-saturated church. Don’t slide. Don’t wander. The New Testament describes a body of believers deeply committed to Christ and to one another. Tell the pastor you are leaving. This may be the most important point. Please let someone know you are going. If you tell the leaders you are leaving, they can pray with and for you. Maybe they can clear up a misunderstanding. Or maybe they need to learn from your experience. Just don’t go quietly! Close the door behind you gently. The temptation is to leave with a big bang. You may have been hurt, upset or disappointed. Avoid going the route of bitterness. Don’t burn bridges. If you were a faithful member of your previous church, you will keep running into those who are still there. You’ll see them at weddings, funerals and school functions. Maybe even family reunions! It’s bound to be a little awkward but do what you can to keep the relationships intact. Many of them are worth saving. Learn how to kindly and honestly answer the question “Why did you leave?” People will ask you, so figure out your answer. Don’t kill someone’s character or disembowel the whole church with your reply. A simple, straightforward answer will suffice. For us, we disagreed with some of the doctrines being taught. Don’t lie either. However, we must tell the truth . . . in love. Don't divide your church in your leaving. Maybe you're leaving because you're mad or you're sick and tired of someone who is running the show. Whatever the reason is for your leaving, don't make that a crusade you use on your way out or after you've left to try and divide God's people. Some of the harshest words in the Bible are reserved for those who try to divide churches. “Let everything be done decently and in order” 1 Corinthians 14:40 74