Bounce Back In Style 2nd Edition Edition | Page 64

leave them, under such circumstances it can be claim to have a gift of singleness yet struggles said that these people were made single by oth- living single or wishes deep down inside to be ers to a certain degree. married. God is not wicked, if he has put a desire to marry in you, go ahead and marry and if you The third category of single people mentioned in that scripture are those who consciously embrace the life of singleness or celibacy. These people deliberately make a decision to remain single for the sake of the kingdom; in other do not have that desire and you have the grace and capacity to be single for life then, so be it. I can't conclude without saying that some people so desire to be married but are still single because of the following circumstances; words they are single by choice. So many peo- · ple believe that marriage or being in a relation- gle people who desire so much to be married but ship is a huge distraction from kingdom ser- they are hindered by ignorance. They lack the vice, that is why Apostle Paul in his letter to basic knowledge of being in a relationship and the Corinthian Church in 1 Corinthians 7 ad- sustaining a relationship. As a result of their con- vised the unmarried to stay unmarried if they dition of ignorance, they struggle to maintain any can, so they can have more time for the things relationship they find themselves in, leaving of the Lord (Kingdom) because Apostle Paul them going through endless circles of disappoint- also felt that a married person faces so much ments. distraction in kingdom services as he/she would · struggle between pleasing God and pleasing a Ignorance: I have come across so many sin- Bad Character: I often tell people that your character is like you identity card, i