Bounce Back In Style 2nd Edition Edition | Page 63

Singleness Choice, Calling Or Circumstantial Over the years , I have come across several sin- a life of celibacy or singleness because they natu- gle people who seem to have answers to the rally have no interest of being in in any relation- reason why they are single. For many, as the ship. The desire of being married, having chil- years went by, their reasons for being single dren or being in a relationship is not appealing shifted at various points for various reasons. to them. In Matthew 19: 12 , Jesus made refer- The truth of the matter is many people are sin- ence to such people. I have come across a num- gle for different reasons. ber of men and women like that who though they are of age to marry and have the the capacity First of all singleness is a phase of life, no one was born married, at most, people can be betrothed early life but, the fact still remains that they have to go through a season in life called ''singleness''. For many, singleness is season of life and a season has got a start time and a finish time. Summer, winter, fall and spring are all seasons that come and go and for many peo- and ability to be married do not have the interest because it is not in their nature. There is nothing wrong in being like that, some Bible scholars believe that Apostle Paul was one of those people who embraced the life of celibacy because he was naturally disposed to it. People in this category don't struggle to be celibate, it's just a natural flow for them. ple , singleness is just a season that will come and pass, having this understanding will deliv- Another category of single people mentioned in er so many singles from worry and anxiety. So that same scripture (Matt 19:12) are those who many singles have sleepless nights and stress are were made Celibate/Single by others. There themselves to the max because of unnecessary are various people who fall under this category: worry over who, when and how to marry. How- Back in the days of slavery, some slaves were ever long it takes, winter will always give way confined to a single life, prohibited from marry to spring when the season is ripe for spring. Our Single days are our days of self discovery, self exploration and maximizing our potentials the best ways we can, don't waste it and don't let worry and anxiety steal your single days from you. Although for many, singleness is a temporal season, on the other hand for some other people it is there natural disposition. Some people live 63