Bounce Back In Style 2nd Edition Edition | Page 14

Both inside and outside the church, divorce can be isolating. For example, invitations to various social activities were given to you as a couple, but almost overnight you become relegated to a single‟s status and on the fringes of a local church community or circle of friends. Alas! There is good news. God, our loving heavenly Father, embraces and reassures us of His love, regardless of our experiences. At times, we fail to comprehend the magnitude of God‟s unconditional love. The Lord has a divine destiny and purpose for every person on the planet and we can be encouraged, irrespective of our current circumstances to move forward in Him. If many of us are honest, we doubt that God can be trusted implicitly with our singleness (never married, separated, divorced or widowed). As a result, we are afraid to allow God to have the full reigns of our lives. Unfortunately, the devil has also convinced many that they are in a hopeless situation and can never enjoy life again. For one of the authors, she had to come to the realisation that other people‟s opinions and attitudes towards her changing status, could not prevent her from having the relationship that she once had with God. She decided it would require total surrender to the Lord for her restoration. The other author began to study the Bible in-depth and focused on God‟s love. In addition, she comprehended the essence of what it truly means to be a Christian and developed her relationship with Jesus Christ. Both authors came to the conclusion that „dying to self’ was the necessary step towards renewal and healing from the Lord. Despite the God-given desire for sexual intimacy, it became a reality that God has to be centrepiece in a person‟s life. On this spiritual journey, being married to the Lord first is more important than anything or anyone else. The biblical text that says „For your Maker is your Husband‟ (Isaiah 54:5) reinforces the need for everyone (not gendered) to rely on God, emotionally, psychologically, socially, financially and in any conceivable way. 14 Each human being wishes to be fulfilled. This can only be actualised through letting go of our lives, and trusting that God has our best interest at heart because He loves us so much. Moreover, we can accept God‟s peace and confidence in a secure future when we surrender all