Bou Zi 2016-2017 Fear of the Cock! | Page 6

What is happening in our Worldwide Community?

We are a community of students from all over the world, and we share and explain our culture to all here on campus. However, what we rarely do is share with other UWCs worldwide. Except for tidbits of information from our co-years worldwide, how much do we actually know about the other UWC schools? How different is their campus life and what can we learn from them in terms of living according to UWC Values? What differentiates our schools is of course the country, community and culture they are located in? But also the QCs

they offer, their traditions and the community that lives there?

Worldwide UWC Traditions

Traditions on the LPC campus include, GIF, stairs, indomie, parties at

the poolside, and giant amazing cultural evenings. In UWC USA, they

greet the new academic year by howling to the President (Principal) of

the school like wolves. They do this on the first full moon of the year to demonstrate that they are now a pack, a unit, a school that will work and fight together through the year. This is according to current UWC USA second year Ludovic Debruyn.

In UWC Atlantic, they greet their first years by banging pots and pans and dressing up in their national costumes, remembers Elise Zurstrassen, a first year at UWC Atlantic.

Although traditions are tricky in UWC Changshu because of the short history of the college. Current first year Margaux Devreese says they do have a 24 hour playwright. The 24 hour playwright is a competition where a group of students stay up for 24 hours and divide themselves into roles of the director, writers, and actors to film and edit a short film. The limited amount of time and resources leads to some hilarious results such as a telenovela starring a Filipina, a bollywood movie half narrated in Hindi, and a silent film.

Laure and Crystal