Bossy! Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 52

LaToya: Oh, I definitely fall with the latter. Even when I went natural, I big chopped I didn’t do a long transition. I feel like sometimes you just gotta rip the Band-Aid off. A lot of times you won’t really figure out who you are or what it takes if you continue to have a crutch. I mean I moonlighted in the beginning while I was still working full time but there comes a time when you have to make a decision on whether you’re going to give the dream all of your attention. We often times don’t give enough credit to the universe doing its work. I was recently working with a client who at one point was low on money at her breaking point and ready to give up, but instead of breaking down she pushed forward and broke through. And now things are flowing and falling into place. Had she given up too soon, she would never have seen all the puzzle pieces coming together.

BOSSY: So let’s talk about another big challenge. You have a 20 month old son. So how’s it going juggling motherhood with all you have to do?

LaToya: Right now I have him home with me and I have great support system which I really appreciate but now that we’re in production mode with Kazmaleje and I need to be making sales calls and meetings. I am feeling like I’ll need to start looking at daycare options. But for now, I’m glad I have the opportunity to have him see me like this on conference calls and answering emails and he will see us build this. Who knows how that will shape him and his future? I’m excited for this.