Bossy! Magazine June 2016 Issue 12 | Page 23

(What She Said Continued)

That night instead of taking out my journal, I did something a little different. I read through the last 3 months of my daily planner. As I turned pages of checked off to-do lists, I reminisced on all the deadlines I met. The workouts I made it to. The events I threw. I smiled at the family beach day circled with a heart, we enjoyed so much a few weeks back. A black tie charity event my hubby and I ditched at the last minute in favor of the intimate romantic dinner we never have time for.

All of a sudden my whole outlook changed, right there in my very detailed (okay overcrowded) as personal history all the dope things I’ve done and are still doing. I didn’t feel my failures so keenly when faced with my accomplishments and all the goals I met there in black and white. I think this can become a source of positive reminders and affirmations for when I’m feeling down. I plan on doing this weekly now. As I sit to plan my coming week every Sunday night, I’m going to take a little bit reflect on much I ROCKED the week before.

My advice to you besties? Appreciate yourself and watch your heightened confidence spill over into all aspects of your life. When you gain trust in yourself. You’ll attract opportunities, and have no trouble reaching loftier goals. Make a promise to commit to acknowledging your achievements and your brain will begin to tell you the truth: that you can do anything! And that’s what she said…..xoxo- Shevvy Malibu