Bossy! Magazine Issue 16 December 2016 | Page 36

Our brain is possibly the most complicated living organism that there is. But with all of its complexity you would be amazed at how easy it is to trick our brain into perceiving something one way, when in reality it is another. Scientists are only just working out how some of these tricks work. Then there are optical illusions, which by definition means an experience of seeming to see something that does not exist or that is other than it appears. Something that deceives the eye by appearing to be other than it is. They can teach us a great deal about how our brain and eyes work together to understand and perceive the world around us. Which then determines what we think and then ultimately believe.

“Our senses can be trusted but they can be easily fooled”. ~ Aristotle

I’m sure we all remember a few months ago when this picture went viral. Some people saw a white and gold dress while others saw a black and blue dress. The debate raged for days around the world. It even went as far as psychologists being interviewed to explain why we saw what we saw in an attempt to explain how the mind works. Now, it was revealed that the dress is in fact blue and black.

Even though the truth was revealed, some who saw white and gold are still adamant that is what it is. Their perception.