Bossy! Magazine Issue 1 November 2014 | Page 45

Figure out how you want to be remembered. And I don’t mean when you're dead. I mean tomorrow. When a person walks away after meeting you, what do you want them to remember about you? What impact do you want to have? You don’t have to cure cancer or a write a bestseller to make your mark. The impression we leave upon a single person is just as meaningful. I write in hopes to make someone feel something they weren’t feeling before. I write to make a connection with someone. I want them to feel me. I also want them to compliment my shoes, but I digress.

This is a huge one for me. Perception affects your vision. Put your rose colored lenses back on. How you see your life will most definitely affect what you see in your life. When you focus on what’s going wrong, that’s all you’ll ever see. Adjust your vision or you'll miss all the opportunities for joy, purpose and success that are just around the corner..

Finding your purpose is really possible. Even if it's confusing or frustrating, it’s not impossible. You will make mistakes, you might stumble and fall and fail miserably. Nobody said it’s easy. Even when you're on the right path, you’re still gonna step in some poop. Scrape it off as best you can and keep stepping . Keep your heart and mind open, you may be surprised at what finds its way inside. And that's what she said....