Bossy! Magazine Issue 1 November 2014 | Page 19

1. Fall begins holiday party season. Your calendar is going to fill up pretty quickly so make sure you plan time for exercise. I’m sure you’d rather hit a cocktail party instead of the treadmill, however not only can exercise help relieve some holiday stress but a moderate increase in your exercise can help offset some of that holiday eating. Schedule 1 extra class a week or even a 15 minute brisk walk twice a day.

2. Let’s get real here. It’s going to be hard enough turning down an extra large slice of pie, don’t try and lose weight during the holidays. Set a goal of maintaining your current weight.

3. Before you head out the next festive fete, eat a light snack. Try some veggies or fruit to curb your appetite. If you’re not starving when you get there, you’ll be much less likely to belly flop on the buffet table.

4. When you do shimmy up to the buffet table, have a plan. Fill at least half your plate with fresh fruits and veggies. Then fill the other half with your favorite treats so you don’t feel deprived.

5. Resist the temptation to clean your plate. Try small portions and eat only until you are satisfied. Take your time, relax and savor the meal.

6. If you do overindulge at one meal, make it up to your self by going light on the next. Take it easy, you won’t gain weight from one slice of pie.

7. Holiday Drinks like Eggnog can pack on the calories and sugar. A single large glass of red wine can have as many calories as a slice of sponge cake. I know you're ready turn all the way up but remember, alcoholic beverages can lessen your inhibitions and and lead you to overeat.

8. I know you love your grandma’s sweet potato pie, but try switching up the menu and start some healthy holiday cooking traditions. Try bringing a healthy alternative like pumpkin parfait deserts(find a recipe here) to your next holiday potluck

9. Holiday family fun doesn’t always have to revolve around food. Instead of baking cookies try making holiday crafts. Try planning some group activities like a hike or a family and friends flag football game instead of just group dinners.

With a little preparation and planning you can still indulge a little and enjoy the holiday season without packing on the extra pounds. Now that’s something to celebrate.