Bosch Holdings Enginuity November 2011 | Page 8

page ENGINUITY 8 page Bosch Engenharia Strengthens Ties With Raízen A bird’s eye view of the current Paraguaçu Sugar Mill, Brazil 9 Bosch Projects Diffusers In India Ian Clark (Bosch Engenharia) works out a solution for the diffuser chain misalignment at Gasa Sugar Mill, Brazil In 2009, Bosch Engenharia commissioned their Chainless Diffuser at Raízen’s (formerly the Cosan Group) Jataí sugar mill. This resulted in Jataí boasting the group’s highest sucrose extraction. The flagship installation sparked off a good relationship between Raízen, Brazil’s largest sugar milling and ethanol company, and Bosch Engenharia resulting in many positive spinoff projects. sugar cane. Their Jataí Greenfield project is part of a larger plan to have three sugar mills operating from a centralised base. Bosch Engenharia performed a socio-economic impact study on cities nearby to determine whether their infrastructure could absorb a sugar-ethanol plant. Raízen Paraguaçu Sugar Mill expansion feasibility stu