Bosch Holdings Enginuity March 2016 | Page 9

09 AND WASTEWATER SOLUTIONS Construction of a 10Ml Water Reservoir, Pump Station, Pipelines and Access Road at Etwatwa Extension 19 – Phase 1 On 29th July 2014, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality appointed Bosch Stemele to provide Professional Engineering Services for six complex projects of which the Upgrade of the Water Network in Etwatwa Extension 19, was one. The project was planned to provide sufficient water pressure and capacity within the Etwatwa Ground Reservoir Supply Zone, in line with the Master Plan. The main Scope of Work, for Phase 1, includes the construction of a 10Mℓ ground reservoir, pump station, supply and delivery pipework and associated works. The pump station was designed to incorporate two delivery scenarios, i.e. pumping directly into the network (variable speed drive motors), and pumping into the elevated water tower (Phase 2). One of the project challenges was that a highly weathered soil profile, comprising problematic material extending to considerable depths exists within the footprint area of the proposed ground reservoir. With the assistance of a Geotechnical Specialist team a soil improvement design was done, that included dump rock as a foundation, with Dynamic Compacted engineering layers for the reservoir soil raft. By September 2015, the detail design had been completed and the draft tender document was submitted to the Municipality for approval. In conjunction with the municipality we aim to have a Main Contractor on site by March 2016. Architect’s perspective / proposed view. Henry Dumas - [email protected]