BOPDHB Patient Resources Fractured Neck of Femur Patient Handbook- May 2015 | Page 8

What is a ‘fractured neck of femur’? A Fractured Hip The hip can fracture in many places. Most often, the fracture occurs in the upper part of the femur. You can also have more than one type of fracture at a time. • A transcervical fracture is a break across the neck of the femur. This type of fracture can interrupt blood flow to the joint. • An intertrochanteric fracture is a break down through the top of the femur. • A subtrochanteric fracture is a break across the shaft of the femur. Why it needs to be repaired… A broken bone heals by keeping the broken areas close together to allow new bone to grow and knit the broken bone together. The surgeon will determine the best way of bringing the broken bones together and use metal in order to stabilise it in that position. Once your fracture has been stabilised you are usually able to put all your weight on your leg and start walking again. 6