BOPDHB History Whakatāne Hospital History Book | Page 17

Six months later the Board received notification from the Inspector General of Hospitals of a visit to advise the Board ‘as to the necessity of increasing the Hospital accommodation in this district.’ It was not until the Board’s December meeting that they discussed a letter from the District Health Officer based in Auckland, which informed them that the Department had ‘approved of the Board utilising the Anglican Mission Hospital if they so wish.’ In February 1917, the Chairman reported:23 ...that he had interviewed Nurse North at the Anglican Mission Hospital here with a view to the Board utilising a portion of her premises for a temporary hospital. A letter has also been sent to the Bishop asking for his consent to this arrangement being made and the latter had left things in the hands of Nurse North. The Nurse had interviewed the Bishop while on her holiday leave and he confirmed it. Nurse asked if a charge would be made and he said “yes” the same as charged at our other hospitals. Nurse North then suggested that the Board and they should take half of all fees collected each, but the Chairman considered this would not be fair, because there would be a number of patients who would not pay and it would not be fair to the Anglican Mission to keep them while in the home and get nothing for their maintenance. After considerable discussion it was moved that the matter be left in the hands of the Chairman to draw up conditions and in the meantime, the work of getting the place ready, be started. Subsequently, an agreement was reached, a contract for £242.10.00 was let to Boon & Sullivan to do certain alterations and Nurse Jackson was engaged at a salary of £60 per annum to assist Nurse North in the management of the hospital. The Anglican Māori Mission Hospital in Bridge Street, Whakatāne. Photo: Warwick Armstrong’s personal collection A very rare aerial photograph of the Māori Mission Hospital taken in April 1955, two and a half years before it was destroyed by fire. 23 Bay of Plenty Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Minutes, Volume 1[03.12.1902 – 21.06.1917], 24 February 1917, (Auckland, Archives New Zealand, Reference ADHL A1669 22975 6) Page 12