BOPDHB Checkup October 2017 | Page 24

Your experience at work – safety and wellbeing (cont) 1 is ‘strongly disagree’ and 5 is ‘strongly agree’. 1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Agree How do you feel at work 5. Strongly agree The experiences we have at work affect how we feel, and studies show that our emotions at work have a significant impact on our work. Q25 I have personally experienced discrimination at work in the past 6 months     Thinking of the last week at work, how often have you felt the following emotions?  Q27 1. Not at all If you answered ‘4. Agree’ or ‘5. Strongly agree’ to the question above about discrimination, please 2. Hardly any of the time 3. Some of the time 4. Most of the time 5. All of the time tell us more about your experience of discrimination in the box below, otherwise please go to Q26.  Q26 I feel safe and confident to speak up about inappropriate behaviour  Please continue the survey on the next page 24 7         A sense of belonging      Appreciated      Calm      Confident      Enthusiastic      Happy      Involved      Listened to      Motivated      Optimistic      Proud      Respected      Valued      8 25