BOPDHB Checkup March 2017 | Page 11

What Can I do Next ? Creating our Culture is a Movement …

By Programme Manager – People and Capability Projects , Rosalind Jackson .
Following ‘ Leading with Values Week ’ there ’ s been a lot of positive feedback from staff who attended the sessions , workshops and are using BUILD , ABC and STRONG .
Thank you to everyone who has given us feedback and “ High Fives ” all round for people within and between teams who are gaining confidence to give ABC and BUILD a go and role modelling “ Up Thinking ”.
We have also heard that not everyone reacts well to receiving BUILD feedback or feels comfortable receiving ABC of appreciation . Don ’ t worry ! Culture change takes time - we are in a marathon not a sprint .
What we know is that we are 100 % committed to this journey . We are ambitious to eradicate inappropriate behaviour , to embed our evolved CARE values into everyday life for ourselves and our patients , families and whanau . We are excited about the future of values based recruitment , staff development and staff appraisal . We are serious
about improving communication between and within teams . We know we have a lot of work to do and the outputs from the workshops on the four work streams are as exciting as they are daunting . So what do we all do now ? The four work streams will be developed further and we are working towards May 2017 to plan a Creating our Culture “ One Year On ” reunion . Tim Keogh is returning to help facilitate that day with us , and planning the agenda is underway .
Confirmation of our CARE values is key to achieving all of our work and I am delighted to say that following engagement with broader groups the evolved CARE values content has been endorsed by the Board .
Another key piece of work is developing a safe roadmap / pathway to support all of our staff who experience or witness inappropriate behaviour , including bullying . We want to build this pathway together and are planning some more workshops in May with Tim to lead this . Finally for now , we will be running one more Leading with Values workshop on Friday 19th May for those who missed out in February .
So what can you do now ? Keep focused on some of the key messages included below that you have heard since Listening Week in December and Launch and Lead Week in February .





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