BOPDHB Checkup February 2018 | Page 6

Henny Edkins HCA reading out her Ode to APU alongside Lynn Hema CNM. From left Kate Grimwade, Lynn Hema and Henny Edkins cutting the ribbon to open the Assessment Planning Unit. Name change signifies commitment to planning what’s right for the patient Tauranga Hospital’s Admission Planning Unit (APU) has been renamed Assessment Planning Unit (APU). The new Assessment Planning Unit configuration aims to provide a much better all-round experience for patients, whānau, visitors and staff. Whilst the name change may be small the significance is not. The change from Admission to Assessment underlines a commitment to planning what’s right for the patient by focusing on early assessment and decision-making for patients, and where possible minimising admissions to hospital. The official opening of the Assessment Planning Unit was held earlier this month. “The Interdisciplinary Team in APU has been developing its model of care for patients to ensure we do not waste patient's time, by reducing unnecessary waste and adopting new best practice ways of working,” says Medical Leader - Medicine, ED, Health in Ageing and Pharmacy Dr Kate Grimwade. The introduction of an Ambulatory Emergency Care (AEC) area is part of this developing model. The new front-of-house provides a co-location space as well as providing additional ambulatory care facilities for patients. “This means more patients can be seen in an outpatient style using a combination of chairs and consult rooms for assessment and treatment,” says Kate. “This supports our focus on keeping patients up, dressed and moving and ensuring time in hospital is well spent by teams working together. “Bed space 5 has been de-commissioned and turned into a co- location space for the team. For a long time the administrators have felt disconnected from the team in their current location and this new space sees us working side by side.” Healthcare Assistant Henny Edkins even put pen to paper, especially for the occasion, and wrote an Ode to APU. The poem reflected the journey of the staff in APU and their commitment “to do the very best we can, and be the best that we can be”. 6 Manaaki tanga