BOPDHB Checkup December 2018 | Page 24

Bay of Plenty District Health Board healthyliving News Merry Christmas from the Healthy Living Team How to Survive the Festive Season Walk away from stress if you can – If you start feeling overwhelmed during the festive period go for a 30 minute walk, if you can. This will help clear your head as walking has a positive effect on your brain, and it decreases anxiety and improves sleep. Give to people who have less than you – There are people who are in need. Collect a name from the Christmas tree for less fortunate or give to the Christmas appeals. You may never know who received your gift but it is one way to rejuvenate your soul. If you can’t walk away, breathe - take 10 mindful breaths Working at Christmas – This can be one of the most rewarding things to do. Helping others that can’t be with family and friends to celebrate and you can help them smile. Be it your normal job or volunteering for the day. in and out, calming the body and mind, then simply rest where you are, noticing everything that is going on around you. This practice incorporates four keys aspects of mindfulness training: Stopping - Calming - Resting - Noticing. Together, these four steps are innately healing. Use an everyday environmental cue (the phone ringing, email alert etc) as a reminder to pause and breathe for three breath cycles, and take notice of the world around you. Remember to smile – Smiling has a way of making you stay positive even if you don’t feel like it. Remember it’s not about the gifts – Christmas may have become commercial but it’s not about the gifts it is about the presence of family and friends. It is about the memories you make. Can you remember every present you have received or given? I know I don’t remember but I do remember the laughs and the traditions we have. EAP Services…. It is not uncommon to feel anxious at this time of year. You can access EAP support at any time throughout the whole of the holiday period – EAP services are truly available 24/7 x 365 days. Relax – Don’t forget to take some time out for yourself during the Please contact EAP at any time to arrange a confidential telephone, e-counselling, video or in- person appointment. Think of others – Christmas time isn’t a happy time for NZ 0800 327 669 AU 1800 726 474 Intl +64 9 353 0906 holiday period. We have all had a long year and we need to relax to rejuvenate ourselves. everyone, many are mourning the loss of someone special. Be sensitive to others, you don’t know what they are going through. 24 Thank you – to all the staff whom are providing much needed services over this time – we thank you for the difference you are making for those who do not have a choice but to spend their festive season in hospital.